Dana Howard

Dare 2 Prepare

Those who honour me I will honour. 1 Samuel 2:30

At the British Olympic Trials for the 1924 Paris Olympics, Eric Liddell set a British record for the 100 yards race. The previous year he began preaching to Scottish miners and working class men. His position on the Scottish National rugby team meant he was known all over Scotland. Before long he was speaking almost every weekend at evangelistic rallies and churches. It seemed that the more Eric preached, the faster he ran.

The release of the schedule of the Olympic events bought him back to reality. The 100-yard qualifying round was to be held on Sunday. Eric had never competed on Sunday as he had always set it aside as God’s holy day. Despite being ridiculed not only the British Olympic team, but the entire British nation, Eric held to his convictions. Having already qualified for the 200-yard race, he was also given entrance to the 400-yard event. He now had three months to train for the longer distance.

Eric came 3rd in the 200-yard event, his seemingly only chance for a medal. On the morning of the 400-yard race his team trainer handed him a note that read: “He who honors Him, He will honor.” The world record had already been broken earlier that day in the semi-finals. Running the first 200 yards in 22.2 seconds, everyone thought that Eric would then start to fade from the fast initial pace. Eric later said, “The first half I run as fast as I can, and the second half I run faster with God’s help.” He won the race, breaking the World Record to do so. The following year he would go to China as a missionary.

We are all called to run a race. We need to dare to prepare. We need to dare to be different. We need to fix our eyes on Jesus. Only then can God use each of us to bring honour to Him.

And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. Hebrews 12:1-3


Dana Howard – Dare 2 Prepare
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