Rob Lynn

Have We Become Immune to Shock?

 But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept.  “And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him! Matthew 25:5,6

Humans have proven to be very adaptable creatures. Regardless of where we live, who runs our countries, how poor we are, how wise we are, what season it is, or how old we are, life is just life. But adaptability and tolerance have their downside. The times in which we live today, even though they feel like any other day, are the last days of this earth’s history, and God wants us to stay aware and stay awake. Around us we see famines and fires, floods and wars – just as there has been through out earth’s history, but God’s word clearly shows us that our times are different. Up until the day of Christ’s return, children will be born, houses built, marriages celebrated, and deaths mourned, but the world’s grandest event must never become mundane in our hearts – Christ the bridegroom is returning to claim his chosen people. We must be faithful to keep oil in our lamps and not to sleep so soundly through acquired insensitivity that we sleep through the final trumpet.

Rob Lynn – Have We Become Immune to Shock?
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