Peter Howard

The Lord’s Day

What does the Sabbath day mean to you?  Our God is a creator God.  His final act of the creation week was the setting apart of every seventh day as a day of rest, and as a day to refresh our appreciation of the Creator.  The beauty of nature and the immeasurable complexity that is life, from the smallest flowers to the stars above, restore in us the joy of our salvation, the wisdom, the power and the love of the Creator.  The Sabbath:  made by God before sin marred Eden, written by God’s own hand on tables of stone, honoured by Jesus and the Apostles, and forever our privilege to enjoy in the earth made new.

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth His handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge.” Psalm 19:1, 2

Peter Howard – The Lord’s Day