Peter Howard

The Challenge of Blessings

Will the broad road that leads to destruction be filled mainly with the rich whist the narrow, winding road that leads to salvation be trod only by those who are poor?  Chuck Fulmore said it this way:  

Without trials in life I might never call the Lord,
And I would never know the joy of answered prayer.
Without trials in life I might never hear the words,
“Well done, my child: come in and glory share.”

Wealth can become as much of a challenge as ill-health and all life’s other troubles, but the key is understanding that we are where we are in life because Jesus put us there. Our lives are all built on a foundation, either of rock or of sand, and we will rise or fall accordingly. If Jesus is the foundation of our lives then “our calling and election is sure”.

But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

Peter Howard – The Challenge of Blessings
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